What Is ASTYM® Treatment?

Astym treatment is a therapy that regenerates healthy soft tissues (muscles, tendons, etc.), and eliminates or reduces unwanted scar tissue that may be causing pain or movement restrictions. Astym treatment is highly effective and even works when other approaches routinely fail. One of the main reasons Astym treatment is so much more effective than other treatments is that it was scientifically developed to resolve the underlying cause of soft tissue problems, rather than just trying to temporarily relieve symptoms. It is one of the most researched and effective therapy treatments available. Astym treatment is unmatched in its ability to resolve tendinopathies, scar tissue problems, and other soft tissue dysfunctions. Doctors regularly prescribe Astym treatment specifically for their patients, and elite athletes and knowledgeable patients seek out Astym treatment for superior results. When your health and ability to stay active is at stake, only the best will do.

ASTYM Treatment Benefits

Astym treatment is safe and effective: Astym therapy is one of the most researched and effective treatments available. It is unmatched in its ability to resolve tendinopathies, scar tissue problems, and other soft tissue dysfunctions. Doctors regularly prescribe Astym® treatment specifically for their patients, and elite athletes and knowledgeable patients seek out Astym® treatment for superior results. When your health and ability to stay active is at stake, only the best will do.

Astym treatment works quickly: A typical course of treatment lasts only four to six weeks (8-10 visits).

You get to stay active: During Astym therapy you are actually encouraged to continue normal activities. You can still go to work and stay in your sport or favorite activity without having to take time off from your life while you recover.

It’s non-invasive: No needles, no incisions.

It really fixes the problem: Astym treatment doesn’t just treat the symptoms or hide a problem with a temporary solution. Instead, the Astym process stimulates the body to regenerate healthy tissues, and heal properly and completely.

Certified providers: Only certified Astym therapists offer this therapy. These certified clinicians undergo intensive training and they will give you the results you expect from Astym treatment. To locate a certified Astym provider, click here.

Research: Astym treatment was developed by experienced medical professionals through years of clinical use and detailed research.


Astym care is clearly the best choice.

Astym treatment is regenerative medicine, and one of the most researched and effective therapy interventions available. Astym treatment is unmatched in its ability to resolve tendinopathies, scar tissue problems, and other soft tissue dysfunctions. Elite athletes, patients and referral sources specifically seek out Astym treatment for superior results. When your health and ability to stay active is at stake, only the best will do.